Policies are established by the KSPOA Board of Directors to preserve the character and quality of the neighborhoods of Kinnakeet Shores Phase 1 and Phase 2 for its Property Owners (“owners”) as authorized by the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions recorded in the deed files of Dare County, NC. For the recorded Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions, a copy is provided on this website:
- For Phase 1 click here.
- For the Phase 2 addendum click here.
General Policies are documented below. Architectural Review Policies are documented under a separate tab and title on the website.
Mandatory Dues and Assessments, and Other Fees:
The KSPOA is granted the authority under the above-mentioned covenants to collect annual dues and levy additional assessments as needed to maintain its operations and responsibilities. The KSPOA also charges fees for other services, if desired by the owners, but not otherwise included in the annual dues and assessments.
- Annual Dues: Dues are invoiced to the owner on record as of June 1 each year, and cover July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the next year. Dues are payable no later than August 31. Current Annual dues are $375.00.
- Additional Assessments: Unscheduled assessments, while not routine, may be required to fund association expenditures in the event the current financial position of the KSPOA does not have adequate funds for mandatory operational needs.
- Other Fees: The KSPOA Board of Directors has discretion to charge fees for other work or services provided to owners, rates vary depending on services provided and vendors involved.
Owners are responsible to pay all fees and assessments on time, and failure to do so may result in late fees and legal actions taken by the KSPOA to collect past due amounts, including the filing of liens with the court system of Dare County, NC.
Click here for the KSPOA Collections Policy.
Meetings and Communications:
A regular meeting of the owners in KSPOA is held between October 1 and December 31 of each year with appropriate notices sent via US Mail. Owners are encouraged to serve on the KSPOA Board of Directors and will be notified before each meeting if vacancies exist on the Board. Owners can communicate with the KSPOA in 3 ways:
- By mail to: KSPOA, Box 204, Avon, NC 27915
- By leaving a message on our phone: 252 996 1442
- By filling out the “Contact Us” page by clicking here.
Each property in our neighborhoods may contain only 1 habitable structure, and detached apartments are not permitted. No temporary structure may be parked on or erected on any property. (e.g. tiny homes, mobile homes, trailers, etc.).
Fences and Walls:
Owners generally may not construct any form of fence or wall on their property without the express and written approval of the KSPOA ARC. Fences are allowed with prior ARC approval to restrict access to pools.
House Paint Colors:
Houses may have 1 Primary color, 1 accent color (i.e. used to accept roof peaks, etc.), and 1 trim color. Paint colors and other aesthetic and architectural considerations are further discussed in the ARC Policies.
Owners must provide appropriate access controls and safety equipment for pools on their property. The KSPOA assumes no liability for owner pools or other structures.
No private streetlights are allowed in our neighborhood boundaries. No high-intensity, mercury vapor or similar lighting of any type may be installed or used by any owner. Low-intensity, non-intrusive lighting of entranceways and parking areas is allowed.
No sign may be placed in the ground on any property except for “For Sale” signs or construction-related signs. No sign may be larger than 4 square feet in size. Signs giving the name of the house or owner, and “For Rent” signs must be attached to the house. Signs may not be illuminated. Signs placed by businesses performing construction or repairs shall be allowed during the actual construction or repairs and must be removed within 14 days of completion.
Trash and Trash Cans:
Owners must keep their property clean and free of trash and debris and have it removed in a routine, timely manner. Owners are required to provide an adequate numbers of functioning trash cans with working wheels and closing lids as follows:
- 3 Bedrooms or less: A minimum of 2 trash cans are required.
- 4 and 5 bedrooms: A minimum of 3 trash cans are required.
- 6 or more bedrooms: A minimum of 4 trash cans are required.
Most rental company Property Managers are authorized to repair or replace trash cans and bill owners as needed. If the above minimum number of functioning trash cans are not on hand at each home, KSPOA can fix/bring new cans to bring the home into compliance and bill the owner directly.
Parking is restricted to off-street/on-property parking for owners and their guests, and other unauthorized, parked vehicles or trailers will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.
Per Avon Township ordinances, noise (e.g. dogs barking, loud music) must be kept to a minimum and will be governed by current local ordinances. Noise complaints should be referred to the Dare County Sheriff.
Pets must be leashed at all times according to Dare County ordinances. Owners and their guests should check the Cape Hatteras National Seashore requirements for pets on Avon Beaches. KSPOA provides dog waste bags for the sole use of the owners and their guests. Please conserve these as the KSPOA funds these directly.
The KSPOA maintains 9 boardwalks for the use of owners and their guests. For each boardwalk, the KSPOA has an easement of 8 feet wide including the boardwalk and is responsible for controlling brush and vegetation in that easement area. Nothing can be attached to KSPOA boardwalks, without approval of the KSPOA Architectural Review Committee (ARC). Owners may construct private boardwalks only on their property and must be of the same type and quality of KSPOA boardwalks, notwithstanding the above restrictions, and are reminded that any construction outside of their property is strictly prohibited without the express written authorization of adjoining owner and any local laws. Any owner considering private boardwalks that may be adjacent to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Property are advised to contact the US Park Service for regulations.